Most of us experience a certain amount of holiday stress: shopping, cooking, baking, locating and unpacking the decorations, decorating, shopping, attending parties, fighting holiday traffic and long lines, wrapping gifts, shopping, writing out Christmas cards, trips to the post office, and of course, shopping. It’s easy to become lost in exhaustion and busyness and lose our sense of perspective.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Christmas is first and foremost the celebration of the historical fact God Himself came to be the Savior of the world. God’s gift of love is our source of love for others. In spite of frustration and harried schedules, Christmas is a time to spare expansive love and grace to others.

Some of my fondest memories are of laughing with my family and friends over simple things as we enjoyed one another’s company. Those moments were often spent as we enjoyed delicious food, listening to  each other’s stories, playing games together, or sipping on  a cup of hot tea. But the most poignant memory is of our laughter—which bound us together.

Irish dramatist and memoirist Sean O’Casey said that “…laughter is the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living.” Laughter and shared humor nourish our spirit and connect us to others.

Laugh this Christmas with your loved ones or as you make your way through the post-Christmas clean-up.

Laugher melts anger and frustration.

It bonds spirits.

It makes memories.

It offers grace.

It lifts the heart.

It heals wounds.

It refreshes the soul.

It is a gift to others, as well as to yourself.

Do you have a humorous story or experience to share? Feel free to share on my site or inbox me so we can laugh together.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May your days be filled with joy and peace.

Dr. Clem